How to locate SCCM Collection Object based on the Collection ID
Often, I found it’s hard to locate the Collection object in the SCCM console if you only know the Collection ID. Couple of weeks ago I ran into a situation where I need to modify the settings of a bunch of collection objects and all I knew was the Collection ID.
I wrote a script called Get-CollectionPath that identifies all possible paths to a particular collection (as a collection can be linked to multiple places).
The Syntax is: .\Get-CollectionPath <SCCM Central Site Server Name> <Collection ID>
Download the script here.
Function Get-CollectionName ($CollectionID)
$CollectionName = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CentralSiteProvider -Namespace root\sms\site_$CentralSiteCode -Query "Select * from SMS_Collection where CollectionID = '$CollectionID'").name
Return $CollectionName
Function Get-ParentCollectionID ($subCollectionID)
$arrParentCollectionID =@()
$objCollectToSubCollect = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CentralSiteProvider -Namespace root\sms\site_$CentralSiteCode -Query "Select * from SMS_CollectToSubCollect where SubCollectionID = '$subCollectionID'"
if (($objCollectToSubCollect.GetType()).IsArray -eq $true)
Foreach ($item in $objCollectToSubCollect)
$arrParentCollectionID += $item.ParentCollectionID
} else {
$arrParentCollectionID += $objCollectToSubCollect.ParentCollectionID
Return $arrParentCollectionID
Function Get-CollectionPathObject ($strBaseCollectionPath, $CollectionID)
$CollectionName = Get-CollectionName $CollectionID
if ($strBaseCollectionPath -eq $null) {$strBaseCollectionPath = "$CollectionName($CollectionID)"}
$arrParentID = Get-ParentCollectionID $CollectionID
$arrObjPath = @()
Foreach ($CollectionID in $arrParentID)
$ParentCollectionName = Get-CollectionName $CollectionID
$strCollectionPath = "$ParentCollectionName($CollectionID)\"+$strBaseCollectionPath
$objCollectionPath = New-Object psobject
Add-Member -InputObject $objCollectionPath -membertype noteproperty -name CollectionPath -value $strCollectionPath
Add-Member -InputObject $objCollectionPath -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ParentCollectionID -Value $CollectionID
$arrObjPath += $objCollectionPath
Return $arrObjPath
$objSite = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CentralSiteServer -Namespace root\sms -query "Select * from SMS_ProviderLocation WHERE ProviderForLocalSite = True"
$CentralSiteCode= $objSite.SiteCode
$CentralSiteProvider = $objSite.Machine
$arrObjCollectionPath = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$bFinished = $false
$arrPath = Get-CollectionPathObject $strCollectionPath $CollectionID
Foreach ($item in $arrPath) {$arrObjCollectionPath.Add($item) | Out-Null}
Remove-Variable arrPath
$arrObjTempNew = @()
$arrObjTempOld = @()
Foreach ($item in $arrObjCollectionPath)
$objCollectionPath = Get-CollectionPathObject $item.CollectionPath $item.ParentCollectionID
Foreach ($objPath in $objCollectionPath) {$arrObjTempNew += $objPath}
$arrObjTempNew += $objCollectionPath
$arrObjTempOld += $item
Foreach ($OldItem in $arrObjTempOld) {$arrObjCollectionPath.Remove($OldItem)}
Foreach ($NewItem in $arrObjTempNew) {If (!($arrObjCollectionPath.Contains($NewItem))) {$arrObjCollectionPath.Add($NewItem) | Out-Null}}
Remove-Variable arrObjTempOld
Remove-Variable arrObjTempNew
$AllReachedTop = $true
Foreach ($item in $arrObjCollectionPath)
if ($($item.ParentCollectionID) -ne "COLLROOT") {$AllReachedTop = $false}
IF ($AllReachedTop -eq $true) {$bFinished = $true}
} While ($bFinished -ne $true)
$arrOutput = @()
Foreach ($item in $arrObjCollectionPath) {$arrOutput += $item.CollectionPath}
$arrOutput | fl *
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