This is the 7th instalment of the Automating OpsMgr series. Previously on this series:
- Automating OpsMgr Part 1: Introducing OpsMgrExtended PowerShell / SMA Module
- Automating OpsMgr Part 2: SMA Runbook for Creating ConfigMgr Log Collection Rules
- Automating OpsMgr Part 3: New Management Pack Runbook via SMA and Azure Automation
- Automating OpsMgr Part 4:Creating New Empty Groups
- Automating OpsMgr Part 5: Adding Computers to Computer Groups
- Automating OpsMgr Part 6: Adding Monitoring Objects to Instance Groups
I dedicated part 4-6 on creating and managing groups using the OpsMgrExtended module. I was going to continue on this topic and demonstrate how to update group discovery in part 7 (this post), but unfortunately there is a change of plan. While I was preparing for the group discovery update runbook, I noticed I had to firstly cover how to add reference MPs before I can talk about updating group discoveries. I then realised there was a small bug in the New-OMManagementPackReference. Therefore, I have decided to update the OpsMgrExtended module first, before continuing the topics of managing groups.
What’s New?
In this release (version 1.1), I have made the following updates:
- Bug fix: New-OMTCPPortMonitoring fails when not using the the SMA connection object.
- Bug fix: New-OMManagementPackReference returned incorrect result when the alias is already used
- Additional Function / Activity: New-OMComputerGroupExplicitMember
- Additional Function / Activity: New-OMInstanceGroupExplicitMember
- Additional Function / Activity: Update-OMGroupDiscovery
In Part 5 and 6, I demonstrated 2 runbooks to add explicit members to computer groups and instance groups. As I mentioned in those posts, I would make those 2 runbooks as native functions within the module, hence the new functions New-OMComputerGroupExplicitMember and OMInstanceGroupExplicitMember. So instead of using the long and complicated runbooks from Part 5 and 6, with this updated version, you can now use very simple runbooks as shown below:
Runbook: Add-ComputerToComputerGroup
Workflow Add-ComputerToComputerGroup
#Get OpsMgrSDK connection object
$OpsMgrSDKConn = Get-AutomationConnection -Name "OpsMgrSDK_TYANG"
$bComputerAdded =New-OMComputerGroupExplicitMember -SDKConnection $OpsMgrSDKConn -GroupName $GroupName -ComputerPrincipalName $ComputerPrincipalName -IncreaseMPVersion $IncreaseMPVersion
If ($bComputerAdded -eq $true)
Write-Output "Done."
} else {
throw "Unable to add '$ComputerPrincipalName' to group '$GroupName'."
Runbook: Add-ObjectToInstanceGroup
Workflow Add-ObjectToInstanceGroup
#Get OpsMgrSDK connection object
$OpsMgrSDKConn = Get-AutomationConnection -Name "OpsMgrSDK_TYANG"
$bInstanceAdded = New-OMInstanceGroupExplicitMember -SDKConnection $OpsMgrSDKConn -MonitoringObjectID $MonitoringObjectID -GroupName $GroupName -IncreaseMPVersion $IncreaseMPVersion
If ($bInstanceAdded -eq $true)
Write-Output "Done."
} else {
throw "Unable to add monitoring object '$MonitoringObjectID' to group '$GroupName'."
How to Download Updated version?
I have updated the original link, so you can download this updated version at TY Consulting’s web site:
With the updated module in place, I will continue my discussion on managing groups. In the next part of this series, I will demonstrate how to add a management pack reference to an unsealed management pack.
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