AzureTar YouTube Video Series - Infra as Code with CARML Bicep Modules

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Over the last few months, I teamed up with my good friend Jorge Arteiro (@JorgeArteiro) and Ahmad Abdalla(@ahmadkabdalla) from Microsoft Australia and recorded a 2-part video series for Microsoft’s open source project Common Azure Resource Modules Library CARML is a collection of fully tested and verified Azure Bicep modules that can be used to deploy Azure resources.

In part 1 we have given an introduction for CARML, what does it offer. In Part 2, we have dived deeper and demonstrated how we can use CARML modules to deploy Azure resources or further develop more refined modules based on your organization’s needs.

You can find the videos here:

  1. Infra as Code on Azure with CARML Bicep Modules - Part 1
  2. Infra as Code on Azure with CARML Bicep Modules - Part 2 Demos

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