My Journey to a Smarter Home (Part 2)
This is the 2nd part of the blog series. I have covered my home network setup using Ubiquiti Unifi devices in part 1, you can find it here. In this part, I w...
This is the 2nd part of the blog series. I have covered my home network setup using Ubiquiti Unifi devices in part 1, you can find it here. In this part, I w...
Over the last month, I have published 8 blog posts. Right now, although I still have few more on my to-do list, I’m just a bit over it. I want to write somet...
Back in the Jan 2018, I posted a custom Azure Policy definition that restricts the creation of public-facing storage account – in another word, if the storag...
Few weeks ago, I saw a two separate discussions in different closed community channels regarding to the Source Control option in Azure Automation accounts, m...